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synth, vocals


synth, vocals



ukulele, field recordings, media


ukulele, field recordings, media



grunts, distortion, drums


grunts, distortion, drums





The manifestation OLE, a being of pure sound, was born into the love dimension during the mechanization of the industrial revolution. Before that, it simply lived within beautiful repetition and the whizz and bur of assembly. Finally, it caught onto electrical transmissions and found itself within the machination of all things.

OLE has been a futurist since there has been a future for which to speak. “Better living through technology, better living through efficiency, and better living through constant change” was its battle cry, and with this cry it went to war. OLE whispered details of the battlefront into Lincoln´s ears during the United States Civil War, through morris code. It was present for the cold calculations of the Great War in rat tat tat of machine gun fire and hiss and plume of the poison gas clouds; and of course provided background to the totalitarian death march that was the Second World War´s genocide machine. Upon the detonation of the atomic bomb over Hiroshima, OLE learned the concept of energy turning into mater and so it transcended into this physical realm and currently resides on the robot charm the LIE wares around his neck.

In this physical form OLE has a piano key smile, microphone and speaker breasts, and a magnetic tape womb where it records and keeps the sounds which it considers its children. At times the OLE charm is able to posses the LIE´s body and transforms into a mischievous mime. Consumed by melancholy towards the pain it caused in its past life, OLE, with its trusty bat VUALA and riding UNI VEGA, takes to the streets to wreak havoc!




This is the LIE. This is the LIE. This is the LIE.

The LIE is everywhere around you. The LIE is everything around you. The LIE is everything you, see, touch, feel, smell, hear, eat, think, live, or believe. This is the LIE. The LIE is you. The LIE is me. I am Daniel Ovalle. I was born a day, in a place, did some things, and will continue, but this is the LIE.

The LIE began on November 1st, 2014. All saints day, and all the saints were involved because all the saints are the LIE. This realm is the LIE. We are our spirits. Our life force gives off energies through warmth and light, sparks and waves of energies, which we can feel and see and measure, but that is the LIE. The LIE is a paranoid technocrat cyber clown who has challenged himself to identify, seek out, and destroy the evils in the world the only way he knows how, with super sick sweat music. A newcomer into the LOVE DIMENSION, the LIE uses technology to enter culture through the media we consume every day in order to fight for sanity against the bullies of big paranoia fed by big government´s controlling politics and indoctrinating history. Democratization of all things through the increase of public knowledge, is the LIE´s most powerful weapons against the Institutions that wish to censor and control culture.

To defeat the culture destroyers and those who feed them, we must never say no to knowledge!




Evil forever!

As long as it is for the Greater Good.

Born sometime around 1470 in northern Spain, the pirate only named through the curses of his enemies as VANDAL traveled the mediterranean and the East Indies until his presumed death in 1518.

In truth he had not died but discovered the fountain of youth, not in Florida where his rival Ponce De Leon searched, but on the Island of Hispaniola, where he had fallen in love with a beautiful Taino native, the last of a long line of old spirit witches, and built a family. You see, love was his true fountain of youth and he lived there in the LOVE DIMENSION through the twinkle in the eye oh his decedents, who, after collecting and waring his treasures and trinkets, his cauchemars as he calls them, could reincarnate the Vandal, awakening him from his peaceful rest in the LOVE DIMENSION and unleashing unto the world the special kind of vengeance that only the VANDAL can produce.

His current decedent just happens to be the LIE, and when this reincarnation/possession takes place you can expect his vengeance to take the form of hardcore noise music, infused with horror core hip hop, in a combination that is sure to stir some spirits.